ahead of time so we can be prepared for your visit!
Grace Bible Fellowship 15 West 21st Street Bayonne, NJ 07002
We are an independent,
Bible believing church serving the Lord in Bayonne, NJ since 1982.
We believe the Bible is the written Word of God--inspired by the Holy
Spirit and without error in any matter, whether faith, history, or science. As such it is our infallible authority and our only
standard for faith and practice(John 10:35; 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter
April 11 Boys & Girls 4 Jesus 6:30 pm Trailblazers 6:30 pm Youth Group 7:30 pm
April 18 Good Friday Service 7:30 pm
April 20 Easter Sunday
Sunrise Service 7:00 am
Easter Breakfast (RSVP needed)
NO April Men's or Ladies' Breakfast due to Good Friday & Easter Sunday
Help us keep you informed of cancelled services and GBF events. Please email us at GBFassistant@gmail.com (with the subject: EMERGENCY UPDATE EMAILS) so we can add you to our update email list!