"Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest."
- Jesus Christ as quoted in Matthew 11:28
15 West 21st Street Bayonne, NJ 07002
Grace Bible Fellowship is accessible via Exit 14A on the Holland Tunnel extension of the NJ Turnpike.
- Proceed through the toll booths (watch EZ Pass only lanes). - Continue straight onto Avenue E. - You will proceed about one and a half miles and turn R at 22nd Street. (There is a large YMCA building on the corner.) - Go 2 blocks and turn L onto Avenue C.
- Turn L at the next light which will be 21 Street.
Grace Bible Fellowship is 2/3 of the way down the block on the left side of the street.
For those who prefer mass transit, Bayonne is easily reached by bus or light rail. The 22nd Street Hudson Light Rail station is only a short walk from the church.
The #10 Boulevard bus line runs regularly on Kennedy Boulevard only 2-3 blocks from GBF.